A photojournal of the Hadfield ecumenical Passion Play which took place on Saturday 23rd April 2011
2. Jesus rides on a donkey
The Passion Play commences: It's Palm Sunday. The narrator sets the scene: Jesus and His followers are approaching Jerusalem.
Jesus tells his followers to go and fetch a donkey that they will find in the village (Bethany) and what to say if they are challenged.
Two disciples go and find the donkey. The donkey's owner challenges them and they respond with Jesus' message: "The Master needs it". The owner gladly releases the donkey and they take it back to Jesus.
The actors process out of the church grounds and take the donkey to a nearby field. The musicians play Majesty, We have King who rides a donkey, and Make Way.
Children wave palm leaves as the actors process and then we all follow as they walk down Carriage Drive towards the nursing home.
It is a triumphant Palm Sunday.
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